Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Attention, Please: NYT Media Reporter David Carr Has Just Donned His Nutcup.

From Twitter -- that newfangled form of shorthand communication that the NYT devoted most of its Business Day cover to this morning -- comes this tweet from NYT media/culture reporter David Carr, posted three hours ago and here reprinted in full:

have entered kingdom of Manahattan via bus. donning nutcup, atttitude and changing into black clothing. a daily B & T ritual.

What is this "nutcup" that Carr has donned? A check of "Urban Dictionary" offers this definition:

nutcup: magic wicca word used to unlock a woman's longing for the male nutsack; must be said in low voice while engaging in coitus in the bathtub eating nuts (preferably pistachios); often said in couplets to expedite orgasmic nut pleasure.

That sounds about right.

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